
Thursday, 1 February 2018

January update!

January Update!

New Painting! Acrylic painting with palette knife. 12 x 24 gallery wrapped canvas. 

I now know the fascination with cow paintings.   I took the time while in Stanstead Quebec visiting my husbands cousins, to wander around and snap some photos of the beautiful farm country.  This definitely included some beautiful fields full of cows. Love the coloring although far from the usual colors I enjoy painting with  in most of my paintings. 

Have to admit painting used way more paint then I was comfortable with  and next time will add in some medium.  I do love the texture. I had planned to do another cow but struggled to capture the face and decided to change the design. That being said another cow painting will be forthcoming :)   

So a few of my paintings have been juried into the FCA exhibitions and have been in  Vancouver this past month. One managed to be part of the FCA website cover....nice.  Nice to have some paintings out there beyond Abitibi-Temiscamingue. 

Classes are in full swing . Beautiful work by students. Painter's Palate event occurred just this past Sunday with 18 participants. Repeating the project of Winter Birch Trees tonight for another fun evening of painting  up in Kipawa.

Painter's Palate: Canvas Paint and Wine 

Children's Drawing Class: ages 10-12 

 Adult Class: Birds in Art  An acrylic painting of a chickadee by one student. 

Paintings of an Eagle Eye to practice detailing.

Students work. Beautiful

Today is February 1st  so what is up for February?  I have a few commissions that I will focus on as well as completing a series of illustrations for two clients who has been patiently waiting while I complete my  Art Therapy degree.  Will also be setting up a new Painter's Palate event for February. 

Well tata for now. 

Have a great weekend