I have started with a 16 x 20 canvas. Painted in a muted green background. Then started some background trees. Not quite happy with placement but of course flat with no real background or foreground: no dimension to the early stages.
Outlining more how the trees will be painted and placement of the Blue jay. I love the sound of the Blue jay , in particular in the fall although always a nice sound when out running in the early morning. My Mom also had a preference for the Blue jay and that has always made the Blue jay even more dear to me.
Initially i was going to do a Maple tree based on photo reference from my backyard pics but opted to switch to Birch Trees. I am trying to learn how to paint them highly textured with details and getting the right lighting.
I had done a small painting of birch trees that i particularly liked with respect to coloring and details so using it to help me with the trees . Of course i just have to look in my backyard and do some field sketches.
Regarding the Blue jay:A tip from another artist was to create a clay sculpture of a bird and then shine a light source to assess shadows. I may try this . Not much of a sculpture artist, but don't need details, just overall shape.
The bird image I like because it captures a characteristic of the Blue jay: Perched on a branch staring down, observing.
This painting was done a year or so ago and recently sold. The new painting may be using the same photo reference but will have a new look with the Birch tree background and of course each painting always unique.
Take the time to enjoy these summer days, observe, listen and capture the essence of of a summer day on canvas.